The following types of battery-powered Elemental Machines devices use a low-powered 2.4 GHz wireless communication protocol to communicate with a local Elemental Gateway:
- Element-T
- Element-A
- Element-B
- Element-U (wireless)
These devices act as "beacons" that broadcast data packets for nearby Gateways to receive. When the Gateway receives a transmitted data packet from a whitelisted device, it will send that data to the Elemental Machines dashboard via an WiFi, ethernet, or backup cellular connection.
Troubleshooting Steps
1. Ratio of Bluetooth Elements vs Gateways
When you are experiencing connection issues with the above element types, the first step should be to assess the extent of the issue. The number of devices that are disconnecting and their respective locations can indicate the root cause of the problem.
For any singular Element, if the signal strength is less than -85dBm, you will most likely experience intermittent drops in connection. This could range from sporadic missing data points to long stretches of data gaps. Wireless signal strength can be determined by hovering over the connection strength icon on the dashboard:

The most important factor that determines signal strength is distance from a working Gateway. Communication range maxes out at around 100ft; however, there are multiple other sources of interference that could influence signal strength including walls, benches, and lab equipment in between the Element and the Gateway.
If it is not possible to move any of the Gateways without sacrificing the signal strength of other devices, reach out to your CSM or and inquire about an additional Gateway.
2. Check Gateway Status
Another possible issue that would cause multiple Elements to fall offline is a Gateway that has also fallen offline. If it is the only Gateway in a particular area in the lab, there will be no way for the data from devices to get to the dashboard. Double check on the dashboard that all of your Gateways are online and are updating regularly. If there is one that has fallen offline, check the physical device to make sure that it is plugged in and powered on.
Alternatively if your IT team has recently made changes to your network that has rendered our gateways inoperable, it is a good idea to touch base with them to see if their changes affected how our gateways communicate with our dashboard.
3. Check Battery Status
Lastly, devices will lose connection with the Gateway if they run out of battery life. Battery percentage can be determined by hovering over the battery icon on the dashboard. Make sure that you have power alerts set up for your devices, so you are notified when it is time to change the batteries. We recommend using Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries, as they tend to have the longest life and provide the most accurate battery percentage readings on the dashboard. Note that Element-A's use a non-standard battery that cannot be replaced. When the batteries start to run low for an Element-A, please submit a help ticket and our Technical Support team will facilitate a replacement order for the device.
If you are unable to resolve the connection issue by yourself, please reach out to for further assistance.